Classic papers in numerics

Third-cycle level | 7.5 credits | Course code: NFMV018
HT 2021
Study period: 2021-08-30 - 2021-10-31
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: The course is given in English
Application period: 2021-05-07 - 2021-08-15

Course description

The original idea for the present course comes from Nick Trefethen, University of Oxford (see the webpage for details). 

The main goal of the course is to present classic papers in the general field of numerical analysis.
In order to get 7.5 credit points, each participant must

present at least one paper, 

prepare a short written report (1-2 pages) for the other participants, where the authors, the results and the main ideas of the paper are presented. This should be sent out ca. 5 days prior to the presentation,  

be active in participating in all presentations.

Depending on the number of participants, one could imagine having the course once a week or every two weeks.

The definitive schedule will be decided with the participants input.

Requirements and Selection

Entry requirements

General knowledge in numerical analysis or computational mathematics.


Not relevant

Course syllabus



Department of Mathematical Sciences


Natural Science and Mathematics

Type of course

Subject area course



CONTACTDavid Cohen