Course description
The course is an in-depth introduction to central topics in contemporary analytic philosophy of action. Topics covered may include: What are actions? What is the nature of everyday explanations of actions? What are intentions? How is agency possible in a natural world? How is it possible for an agent to act intentionally against her own judgment about what she ought to do? What sort of knowledge does an agent have of her own intentional action? How is agency related to (moral) responsibility? Can groups or organizations act or be agents?
Requirements and Selection
Entry requirements
General and specific entry requirements for third-cycle education according to Admissions Regulations and the general syllabus [allmän studieplan] for Practical Philosophy.
Entry requirements General and specific entry requirements for third-cycle education according to Admissions Regulations and the general syllabus [allmän studieplan] for Practical Philosophy.
Course syllabus
Reading and reference list
Reading and reference list for the course
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
Type of course
Subject area course
praktisik filosofi