Course description
A main idea in algebraic topology is to consider two spaces as equivalent if they have the same "shape". This course develops the basic tools of singular homology and cohomology for topological spaces to this end. Topics include: singular homology, CW complexes, homological algebra, cohomology and Poincare duality of topological manifolds.
Requirements and Selection
Entry requirements
Familiarity with topological spaces, covering spaces and the fundamental group will be assumed, as well as comfort with the structure of finitely generated modules over a PID. This material is covered in, for example, the following courses:
MMG500: Algebraic structures
MMA100: Topology
MMA300: Commutative algebra (preferable but not essential)
Not relevant.
Course syllabus
Reading and reference list
Reading and reference list for the course
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Natural Science and Mathematics
algebraic, topology