Measurement: Theory and applications in educational research

Third-cycle level | 7.5 credits | Course code: QRM1803
VT 2025
Study period: 2025-03-27 - 2025-06-08
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: The course is given in English
Application period: 2024-10-01 - 2025-01-25

Course description

The course runs part-time. 

Requirements and Selection

Entry requirements

For admission to the course, the applicant has to be registered as a doctoral student in the third cycle or have a doctoral degree. The applicant should also have documented prior knowledge corresponding to the learning goals in the basic course QRM1800 “Basic statistics for educational research, 7,5 credits”, or similar.


This is a third-cycle course within the school of Quantitative Research Methods in Education (QRM). Both doctoral students and university lecturers with a PhD are welcome.

The number of participants is limited to 15. Priority will be given to doctoral students with an educational sciences focus, secondly supervisors for doctoral students with a focus on educational science research and thirdly doctoral students and researchers from other fields with an interest in the field. The course is open to Swedish and international participants.

Educational partnership

Collaborating departments  

Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg in collaboration with Department of Applied Educational Science, Umeå University and Department of Education, Uppsala University.

Other information

You need to confirm in your motivation that you fulfil the course requirements.  

If you are applying as a post-doc, you still need to use the application form as if you were a doctoral student. Please state in your motivation if you are a post-doc.

Link to website

Course syllabus


Reading and reference list

Reading and reference list for the course


Department of Education and Special Education


Educational Science

Type of course

Method course

Research School/Graduate School

QRM - Quantitative Research Methods in Education


mätlära, kvantitativa forskningsmetoder, pedagogik, utbildningsvetenskap, Quantiative research methods, education, educational research

CONTACTStefan Johansson