Migration and intersectional perspectives

Third-cycle level | 7.5 credits | Course code: SC30017
HT 2024
Study period: 2024-10-01 - 2024-11-01
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: The course is given in English
Application period: 2024-04-15 - 2024-08-07

Course description

The course highlights the importance of an intersectional analysis in the field of migration studies. Itexplores a range of scholarly debates on how international migration and mobilities can be theorisedand researched empirically using the intersectional approach. The course trains students’ ability toidentify and analyse empirical material through the intersections of class, ethnicity, gender,generation, sexuality, and other relevant power axes. During the course, students are introduced to aset of research cases, examining for example, families and migration, gendered forms of migration,privileged mobilities, age-conditioned types of migration, care and other work-related mobilities, etc.. Students will engage with important questions pertaining to transforming European migrationregimes, political economy, citizenship and social exclusion/ inclusion as well as to the emergingforms of mobilisation and civil society responses related to mobility and migration.

Requirements and Selection

Entry requirements

Qualifying applicants are persons admitted to postgraduate studies in social sciences or other corresponding areas at the University of Gothenburg or another university. A very good knowledge of English, both in speech and writing, is required for being able to take the course.


Applicants will be assessed and admitted based on the relevance of their PhD project to the learning outcomes. A good command of English is vital.

Educational partnership

Our Graduate School in Migration and Integration is run by two main partners: the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) at Linköping University (LiU) and the Department of Sociology and Work Science (SOCAV) at the University of Gothenburg (UGOT). At UGOT the school also benefits from close cooperation with the Centre on Global Migration (CGM), the Department of Law and the School of Global Studies.

Other information

This is a full-time course and it is given on-campus  in Gothenburg on 14-18  October, 2024. Accommodation for admitted students will be covered during 5 nights.

Link to website


Course syllabus


Reading and reference list

Reading and reference list for the course


Department of Sociology and Work Science


Social Science

Type of course

Subject area course

Research School/Graduate School

Graduate School in Migration and Integration


intersectional analysis, migration studies, mobility, ethnicity, gender,

CONTACTIréne Carlensberg
